A discussion of when we will leave here happens everyday. We are getting concerned that we may not be able to get energized enough to travel more than 50 miles a day. If that happens we need to be on the road soon just to make it home before the end of March. It's a bit of a joke with us because it has taken awhile to unwind from the intensity of the previous three months. The stress in Bob's neck and shoulders is improving daily being off the highways and not pulling the RV.
Cleaning out the fridge of leftovers today in preparation for cooking a big ham. Then, like a turkey, we will have a couple more dinners, some yummy sandwiches and if I have the energy, lol, maybe some pea soup. There goes Sunday along with some football and maybe a nightcap of our special Louisiana find, Pennsylvania Dutch egg nog....real dairy with rum, brandy and whiskey. It is only produced for a couple of months over Thanksgiving through Christmas. Unfortunately we only bought two bottles (1.75 litres each)...so we will enjoy it while it lasts. It really does put a new slant on egg nog. And it is really this big!!!
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