Yesterday we did a little shopping and looking around in town before we might be housebound with the cold front coming ....pretty much the whole continent is experiencing this unseasonal cold, icy weather. Its all they are talking about on the news. Could be record breaking temperatures for southern Texas.
It was windy but still warm as we walked Rockport's waterfront park. Their art center was open with a display of art work by local artisans. There is a plein air group that meets every Thursday and possibly some opportunity to take drop-in classes for watercolour painting. A new schedule wil be available next week. Right before Christmas is not the most opportune time to be looking for classes. The new year will probably be better. But will we be here?
Today we are having an inside day building a big batch of clam chowder. We have brought the clams from home and have been waiting for the perfect time to do this. Today is that day. We went from 80 deg yesterday to a high of 44deg today. From running the air conditioner to running two heaters. There is talk within the RV that we may be moving on to warmer temperatures in Arizona. Ten days in to our "two months" lol..... Hopefully the weather will warm up and we can still spend our time here in comfort as we planned.
But for now we are having delicious chowder, we're warm while the wind blows and we wait to see what tomorrow brings us. I feel we are very lucky to be this comfortable and can only feel for those less fortunate in an area unused to these severe temperatures.
Have spent another productive day catching up with my journal. Today I am back in ' Missipi '....painting, collaging and remembering all the music, the people, and the history. Sometimes its hard to believe how far and fast we have traveled. But when the weather turns like this we know we made all the right decisions to keep moving. Memories are strong and deep, my only regret is we didnt have more time.......
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