It is Sunday morning, sunny but still cool as we head out for a day away from home. The Rockport area has so many interesting places to explore, most based on the waterfront, whether it is Aransas Bay on the outside or Copano Bay on the inside. There is always so much activity along the many marinas, wharves and docks. Everyplace has it's own unique fish and bait shop supplying fresh prawns for the consumer and live or dead bait for the fisherman.
Today we found the "Big Tree" in the far side of Goose Island State Park. It is believed to be over a thousand years old. There are so many of these magnificent old trees. They are called 'Live' oaks because their leaves never turn colour or drop...therefore they 'live' all year long.
We followed a road along the water discovering fishing and hunting camps. Small resorts that have probably been around for decades. Air boats take hunters out into the Bay Area to duck blinds along with their dogs, another place where everyone is in camo including the boats.

It is only 10:30am and they are mostly coming in. It must have been very early and very cold when they
first headed out this morning.
We spent a lovely afternoon at the refuge both driving and walking the trails. We were in search or whooping Cranes and alligators, neither of which we saw unfortunately. There may have been 'something' that made a big rustling noise as it scurried away in the swamp bushes beside me. Whatever it was I almost jumped out of my shoes. The ranger at the Welcome Center said the alligators are actually quite timid of humans and do not see us as a food source. Very reassuring Bob telling me that the black bears we might come across in the woods at home are more afraid of me than I am of them...NOT!! There was a nine mile secondary road through the parks grasslands that we planned to drive but discovered it had a length and height restriction. With the kayak still on top of the canopy we would have been scraping the tree branches, so unfortunately we couldn't drive that part.
Here is a sign I really liked....each state has it's own message for littering...Mississippi's was 'I ain't your Mama, pick it up'....this is Texas' with a little extra from the county of Lamar's women's group:)

There were so many beautiful scenes throughout the is very pristine and even for a Sunday not a lot of people, for which we are always thankful. There is nothing better than exploring beautiful places in peace and quiet. I finish with a few pictures .....
It really is a very beautiful area and we hope the weather continues to warm up so we can do more of the exploring we have planned.
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