Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Walking and Riding

Another night closer to normal. After coffee and breakfast I did our first load of laundry. All the appliances take a little figuring out to begin with. We have a small back balcony and a clothes rack for drying. Very few people have dryers in Malta. Like central heating it is not necessary because of the year round good weather.
The beautiful Maltese boats called Luzzus with eyes painted on either side of the bow to watch over the fishers.
The enclosed balconies and ancient doors, many of which are painted in very bright colours. I wonder if the door colours and unique designs are to enhance the somewhat drab colours of the limestone of which all the buildings are constructed.
We set out this morning walking along the Promenade that follows, off and on, the whole of St Paul's Bay. Today we went west towards the head of the bay to Xemxija. It was a very windy, sunny day but we have everything we need to be warm. A quick stop in the sun for cappuccinos before we continue on our way. We decided to walk as long as we felt like it and then catch a bus to somewhere. We wanted to see how the buses work. For €1.5 Or $2.25 you can ride the buses all day. So we went south to Sliema and St Julian's, two of the busier centres for tourists and high end shopping near the capital of Valletta. We had forgotten that today was a public holiday and so many or most of the people were enjoying the day, the sun and the visiting. Europeans certainly know how to sit back with a coffee, a beer or a wine and just relax. Today as tourists we enjoyed the day people watching from a seat on the bus for almost three hours there and back. Not a long journey just a congested one. We are quite proud of ourselves as we found our way back to Mosta Road which is where we have our local shops. From there it is a quick ten minute walk to our apartment.
We reheated our leftover lasagna and tortellini take out dinners with crusty bread and wine and were in bed by 8:00pm. Only for me to wake up at 10:00pm. I'm really having trouble eliminating that middle of the night awake period. Good thing is everyone at home is up and I can catch up on my IMs:)
It seems a bit surreal to think we are sitting in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Leaving home less than a week ago seems more like ages ago. We have conquered jet lag, a new place to live with appliances that need time to figure out, where to get our groceries and wine.
I really want to do a lot of painting, "but" I'm not finding the time this week. It is more important for me to write my blog and keep my thoughts recorded. I will add my painted interpretations as more time presents itself.

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