Friday, December 12, 2014

Our first trip to Valletta

Today we had coffee Maltese/Italian style in our Bialetti Moka Express machine. We are getting better at this coffee business. A quick breakfast and down the street towards the bus stop that takes us to Bugibba and Valletta for the day.

The bus terminus is just outside of Valletta, funneling people into the the pedestrian streets filled with tourists and local Christmas shoppers. It is still a cool morning with a chill wind blowing down the narrow streets. I feel I don't really have a grip on where I am yet. I have read a lot about the history of Malta, seen the television program "Waterfront Cities of the World" featuring Valletta, twice. The reality is very different. I want to learn about Maltese culture and history but not through shopping areas. The language intrigues me. I am so happy to be staying where we are. It is halfway between the somewhat tourist area of Bugibba and a local, working class neighbourhood where we do all our grocery shopping. The beauty of Valletta that we saw today was somewhat diminished by all the Christmas shopping frenzy. We still enjoyed walking the narrow streets, shadowed by the tall buildings, absorbing the feel our first visit of many to come.




We had lunch in a restaurant that wound around a corner block on about three different levels. I have noticed that some stores and this restaurant in particular, have a square of glass flooring that lets you look down into the tunnels and catacombs that run under the city. So many cultures have occupied Malta over the centuries that there has always been a need to have places to escape from invading forces. More history that I want to know more about. I took this picture right beside our table where we shared a "BadAss" burger and cappuccino. You can see the footprints from people who have stood on the glass for a photo opportunity. It is a little unnerving the first time you step on one.

Bob, the shopper, can't find anything yet on which to spend his money. I, on the other hand have no problem. Another scarf, burnt orange, to match my Keens, a pair of Espadrilles to wear around the apartment and another art store find...a Pentel Brush Pen, highly thought of by our Sketchbook Skool alumni.

We are getting our walking legs tuned up day by day. We have no alternative. We walk or we take the bus. The afternoon turned warm and we enjoyed our bus trip back home. We stopped on Mosta Road, our local shopping street, bought fresh pork chops, some frozen corn, and fresh bread.....our first home cooked meal. It wasn't gourmet but we enjoyed it none the less.

Tomorrow we are taking the ferry to Gozo.


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