Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Work Day in Bugibba

The weather prediction is for heavy wind and rain Tuesday night and Wednesday. Sounds very similar to what is happening on Vancouver Island. We have a few chores to deal with so head out about 8:30 for Bugibba, a 15 minute walk. I have mailed post cards to the kids, and been to HSBC to get change to use on the buses. We are putting in time till the wine cellar opens so we can place our order. Bob had read about a restaurant called Grannies that had good reviews for a full breakfast €2.95 (less than $4.50) two eggs, three full slices of bacon, English style, sausage, beans, fried tomato, toast and coffee. It's a good job tipping isn't the norm here coz our waitress had the personality of a slug. We tried really hard to humour her but it wasn't happening.

It is so quiet today being a week day. We realized of the four full days we have been here three have been weekend days so it is a bit of a surprise to find ourselves almost alone wandering the streets. Our wine store doesn't have the wine that we want in stock but will see if they can find it. Feeling a bit low energy today so we head home to do our household chores.

Ron and Edward came over about 2:00 to put a new handle on our balcony door and replace some light bulbs. It was a good opportunity to exchange information about our countries. Edward is the "Schneider" of the two, Mr Fixit...while Ron, the older one, handles the bookings for the three apartments they rent. It is a family enterprise comprising a bar in St Julian's, a catering and event planning business. The apartments are owned by the parents but operated by them all.

I could write a whole post about the country of Malta from what I have learned from the Gauci's. Not tonight.

Observations: lots of cars, but many people walk

:Free garbage pick up seven days a week, but there is garbage everywhere and they don't recycle.

:there is very little poverty and I have been told I would be very safe walking home from Art classes at 7:00 at night

Let the storm begin. Thunder and lighting and rain for the next 24 hours but we are cosy and warm. I'm thinking I might let Bob cut my hair tomorrow. I'm tired of paying for haircuts that I don't like. Ever since I went short it has been a struggle to find a style I like and that is easy to maintain. I think I will go back to my really short hair of 12 years ago. If I don't like it I have three months to let it grow out, lol.

Gramma Cogs funeral tomorrow.....love to all the family.


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