Happy New Year to everyone.
We tried really hard to get out today, this stormiest of days. With a break in the rain we decided we'd take the bus to Valletta. It goes along the coast and we would be able to see the storm action along the way.
After a twenty minute wait our bus came along. The driver told us she was only going to Bugibba station. We said that was OK because it's where we transfer to the Valletta bus. Well, as it turns out that's as far as we can go anywhere. The buses are stopping at noon until 3:00pm for New Years Day. It is 11:50 am.
The only option now is to walk home. Our outing took us one hour and ten minutes. Our bus ride took us five minutes. A good news, bad news story. Good news is we got some exercise, fresh air and it didn't rain on us. Bad news, we didn't get very far:(.
So we spent the afternoon again watching the sea batter the little boats in the harbour. The waves and swells were huge and by the time they made their way into this small bay they were going in every direction, bouncing off all the shallows and stone walls. It seems to have been quite a noteworthy storm because locals also were stopping in their cars to watch the water and take pictures.
Benefit of a rainy, home day for me......time to do a little journaling. My little clay figures from Selmun.
Along the walk in front of our apartment is this fish eye mirror for cars to see as three roads converge. There are stop signs but nobody pays them any heed. We have seen a few close calls....but it's just how they drive. I'm not sure how much of a traffic safety sign this is but it sure is a favourite for walkers to stop and take selfies. This fellow was walking along with a broken umbrella which he just dumped in the garbage can. Then he stopped, adjusted his bright yellow hoody and took a selfie. I was a bit too late to catch him in action but he is now checking the picture on his cel as he continues on down the street.
I have just read a post on FB about selfies and the newest items, for me anyways, selfie sticks. I hadn't ever seen one til this trip. They are now calling them "Wands of Narcissus"....I think it's a very accurate description of the whole thing....lol
These places in Malta are all made of stone. The glass doors out to our balcony are not sliding doors, nor are they double paned. They open like regular doors but on a wheel. When the wind blows from the north, like it has for almost three days, it comes in cold and the rain beating against the windows eventually fills up the tracks and then seeps in onto the floors. We have had towels along the floor to absorb the rain and reduce the cold air.
We are ready for sunshine!! According to weather channel it's coming tomorrow.
I thought I was an official "follower" of the blog but apparently was getting notifications from email which are not as complete as this and not sure if you have read my previous comments. Never mind. I'm enjoying my virtual visit to Malta. Keep writing and sketching. Won't repeat my previous comments in the event that you have read already. Still thinking of you. Xo murrrr in brooklyn