Saturday, January 24, 2015


We have been pretty much house bound with me and my cold for the better part of a week. We do manage to get out for short walks in our neighbourhood for groceries and today, a last order for wine and water. 'Our' De Best Wine Wholesaler gives us de' best prices and delivers, even putting it in the elevator for us.

As we walk back the sun is warm for a few fleeting moments but we need to get back for our delivery so can't dawdle. Maybe the sun will last and we can come back out.

I have been noting some of the sounds of St Paul's Bay.....

This is not restricted to St Paul's Bay.... but the very unique, melodic, sometimes harsh, sometimes loud, but beautiful language that is primarily Arabic mixed with Italian, Spanish and English. I enjoy trying to figure out how to say the names of the different places we have been to .....on the buses they have a reader board that states the next stop and a recorded voice that tells its name. I can read it and hear it as we move along. It has been the best way for me to learn.....that Q's are silent, GH at the beginning is silent, X is an s sound....two x's is a 'sh' is a challenge but a language unlike anywhere else.

always the church bells in the distance,

the buses as they gear down to come around the corner at St. Anthony's bus stop.

The musical honking sound of the propane delivery truck announcing its arrival...sounds like an ice cream wagon.

All the various sounds of the garbage trucks that come by everyday at least twice, sometimes three times. And also the fellow with the garbage can on wheels that picks up litter from the road and sidewalk.

The clip clip of the horses hooves on the road pulling the little two wheeled carts.

The quick honk, honk of the cars that don't stop at the stop signs....just letting you know they aren't stopping.

The chatter and laughter of the two moms and their five children, two in strollers, taking the older ones to school. I hear them before I see them pass by in front of us at 7:45am.

The neighbour man with the Maltese terrier that has a bark like gravel in a bucket.

The feral cats that meow out back somewhere. I think they have a Maltese accent too....they definitely sound different to the Tom cats we hear at home....just sayin'.....

I'm watching the people walk past our apartment trying to do fast sketches. Cabin Fever is setting in.

I have just had a face time visit with Stella and Jackie Boy...warms my heart to see and hear their voices. Along with cabin fever I'm feeling a little homesick. Painting Gramma is still remembered.


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