Saturday, January 10, 2015

Another Day at Dingli

Because we didn't get a chance to walk through the town of Dingli yesterday on our way to the cliffs we decided to try again today. Like the grain elevators in the prairies, the church domes and bell towers let you know where the center of the next town is. The bus route is very quiet and we find ourselves in a town square that is virtually empty on this Saturday late morning. It is windy from every direction.

Wherever we are we check out the bus directions and schedules as we get off one bus. If a bus comes along we will sometimes get on it just to see where it goes. Today it is warmer on the bus than off. This picture won't mean much to anyone reading this but it means a lot to us as we have travelled pretty much every bus route on the map. More than once!


We even managed to get the same bus again with the crazy driver from yesterday. We all remembered each other:) His comment today was that there is no one else on the 'track'. I think he meant that there is no one to compete with him for speed or time on this route. We know we have been in Malta for awhile when the bus drivers are starting to remember us.


No guard rails, no warnings, hardly any lines on the roads....there really aren't a lot of "do and don't" rules here on Malta.

There's really no wood or good dirt on the island of Malta. It's all rock.On this west coast we have seen two quarries and the biggest areas of agriculture. As mentioned in earlier posts each tiny field is contained by a rock wall with a little wooden entry gate This seems to be the time for fields to be prepared for spring planting. We saw quite a few 'farmers' out in their fields today with rototillers. We have seen one tractor. The fields are not large enough to warrant big machinery. Soil is like gold here and it is well looked after.

This white van is parked where our bus needs room to make the corner. No problem, the driver comes out to move it but can't get it started....a few tries, then another fellow comes out and between the two of them they push it just far enough so that the bus can squeeze through. Everybody is happy. Not even any honking of horns. Can't imagine this scenario at home.

This was one of the few roadways we saw along the cliffs to get down to the tiered fields below. As we look out at the water this little rocky islet called Filfla is the only thing you can see. It is a protected bird sanctuary and home to a rare type of lizard. No one is allowed to land on the island.

My decision to have wine with a slow lunch everyday sure didn't work out today. It was too cold and windy to sit outside anywhere, so a €1 slice of pizza from this Pastizzeria between buses was it for today.

Today our X3 bus took us home the quick route, not the hour long circle tour of middle Malta like yesterday. We are tired and happy to be home. Tomorrow we take a break from the bus and just walk to get groceries.


Today I finished my first journal of the trip. I'm surprised at how fast it happened given that I was struggling to do pages the first couple of weeks. I only have one more Journal with me but I do have a package of loose pages if I need more before the end of our trip.....or I might have to go shopping:). Volume two is ready to go.





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