As many times as we drive down the main road, which is also Hwy 1, I so enjoy looking at all the houses, summer homes, cabins and even the commercial buildings all up on stilts and everyplace has a name.
The local church
This is a community that is a paradox of affluent vacation residences and working class homes. Either one can be on a canal with a pleasure boat or working boat sitting in their 'front yard'.I needed to do some email printing and the library was closed. We went to the Port Commission/tourist office and they had wifi and a printer which we were welcome to use. It's like visiting with friends....everyone has time to visit, share information and generally just have a chin wag. The Police Chief came in, why I'm not sure, but we ended up having an exchange of cooking recipes from our homemade clam chowder to his gumbo and jambalaya ingredients. It's times like this that I don't want to move on. I just want to stay and get to know these people but if that was the way we traveled we'd still be in Saskatchewan. Even going to the post office to mail my Italy Walk
forms is a social event. Everybody loves to talk and visit. Island time Mon....
I'm still not really sure of my history of this area except that they, the Cajuns, are originally from our Maritime area, known as Acadians. We stop at the Shrimp Shed to buy more more prawns to fill the freezer before leaving.
The conflicting thoughts of going or staying are decided this afternoon as the humidity saps our energy. Everything feels damp and the only way to combat the dampness is to run the air conditioner. We have a short walk on the empty beach to get rid of our prawn heads, return to cook dinner and finish our organizing for tomorrow's departure.
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