Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sailing Day

We were awake at 3:00. Had our coffee and last minute organizing and then out to Bear Cove. We could see the lights of the ferry last night as it docked, waiting to leave again in the morning. There is all manner of vehicles from a 40' motor home, surfers, campers, kayakers and all the "rent a Wreck" vehicles. Most people seem to be doing the circle route back through Prince George or going on to Alaska. Haven't spoken to anyone yet that is going to Haida Gwaii.

The ship looks like an RV parking lot of rental vehicles.

Spent the first few hours having a buffet breakfast. Pretty basic fare for $20. But we are a captive audience. Not much to see as we cross Queen Charlotte Sound. Bob is having a nap and I sat and copied a painting on the wall. We are now coming to Calvert Island so the shore is closer. Still overcast but clouds are high enough to see land.

The miles pass as we slowly make our way north along familiar passages that we have traveled before, once on the Hawkeye and then on our cruise to Alaska. It's unfortunate in a way that the weather was not at its best but it is the west coast and the low clouds and mist are a part of the magic. The breaks in the clouds are that much more spectacular when they appear.

Buffet dinner was $28 and a pleasant surprise. Prime rib and Yorkshires, roast lamb, salmon and all the normal side dishes, salads and desserts. There are only so many times during the voyage that they unlock the doors to the car decks. At the 5:00 opening we went down and filled a flask with wine for after dinner. Back in our recliners in the Aurora lounge we relaxed knowing our arrival in Prince Rupert was getting closer.

At 11:30 it is still not quite dark. We are offloaded and set up in the Walmart Parking lot with about 1/2 dozen other RVs for what remains of the night. A very long 22 hour day.


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