Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend

Thank goodness for internet connections so I could share in all the excitement.
A very good haul in Campbell River. The girls look like Easter treats themselves in all their bright Easter colours...interesting the different smiles of excitement between a six year old and a ten year old....this picture just makes me smile too, even though I didn't get any chocolate:(

Quesnels Easter Bunny loot....what else is in those balloons beside chocolate eggs Meg?

What's left of Sherry's Easter Sunday lunch...Sketchbook Skool's "paint what you eat" always works for a picture......a day of quiet comraderie as we painted and Bob tied flies.

Stella...Momma can we have a talk?

Meg....sure, what is it Monkey?

Stella....I really, really love chocolate. I am a chocolate lover!!!.

When she was told she couldn't have any chocolate before bed, she replied......then I will dream about chocolate and strawberries.



Jackie boy has no idea about the Easter Bunny this year.....as Stella says....he's in jail....no place is safe from his inquisitive explorations, soooo he is "barred" from the kitchen for his own safety and parental peace of mind for a few moments til he moves on looking for something else to get into.....face of an angel or.......?

Last but not least in the list of grandkids.<3

Five of the best there is. Lucky me:)


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