We can't do a trip like this without having to do some maintainenance on our 'home'. I think all our big chores are now done and we should be OK until we get back to Union Bay.
No painting today. I need too much quiet time to sort through my thoughts and decide what inspires me at each moment. I did do a lot of blog reading of all the new contacts we have been provided by joining the Sketchbook Skool with Danny Gregory, who is to my mind my best art journaler and my initial inspiration to start this sketching/painting journey. I am so excited to follow their new online venture which will lead right into our trip to Italy with Jane Lafazio who will be one of the six instructors in Skools' first semester. Serendipitous connections bring us together with people from all over the world who are art/sketcher journalers also.
Dinner is finished ...another of our tender rib-eye steaks. The sun has set as I sit outside listening to the mourning doves settle in for the night. Night three here and I have yet to hear any coyotes, probably my favourite night time sound, along with the distant chugs of the trains passing, not loud enough to be disturbing just another gentle sound of the night.

This regular evening scene tells so much of why the Arizona flag looks like it does and where the colours come from ..Night all:)
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