This is the day we stayed here for. It came in as predicted with wind, rain, then a few thunder cracks, a couple of lightning bolts and by dinner time it's pretty much over. Not even enough rain to make Bob happy about cleaning the dust off the solar panels.
We have had enough of buffet dinners, so decided to try the In 'N Out burger drive-in about which we had heard good reviews but never tried. Fresh made deluxe cheeseburgers and fries for less than $10 for us both.
We are done with all things Laughlin and tomorrow we pack up, shower and dump again ready to leave first thing Sunday morning. We will stay hooked up over night so we can be moving early. I made phone calls today so our Canadian cel phone will be activated and Shaw Direct ready for our return. Everything is now in reverse. We need new SIM cards for our iPads, insurance for my car and then up the Island Highway to Union Bay. But in between these home things is another 1500 miles of travel. Because we are going home almost a month earlier than usual from the desert we feel the safest route is up the I5 through California. Not our favourite route but weather dictates it.
I am quite excited to be on the road as we have spent the last two weeks thinking about it, talking about alternatives and giving this 36 hour rain storm it's due.